Metadata Assignment Rules

rules for attaching certain metadata to concepts under specific conditions

  • a list of active metadata assignment rules is maintained within the processing context
  • rules are applied to language concept that were extracted in during the postChildrenProcessing phase
  • the application of a rule is realized as setting one or more key-value pairs in the metadata property of a given concept object
  • each rule contains a condition which has to evaluate to true for the rule to be applied
  • if a rule was applied to one or more concepts at some point during the AST traversal, it is deleted from the set of active rules
  • metadata assignment rules are propagated up the AST by the traversers until it can be applied to at least one concept


	class MetadataAssignmentRule {
		+Map~String, Object~ metadata
		+Predicate~Concept~ condition
		+apply(Concept concept) boolean