Language Concept

a language concept can be any syntactic or semantic programming language construct that may be relevant for the analysis with jQAssistant

  • an individual language concept object is usually represented by a single node or connection in the property graph of Neo4j
  • concept objects may be nested
  • every concept object type has a unique String ID used by concept maps


  • source code file
  • a class declaration
  • a method declaration
  • a dependency between two classes


	class Concept {
		+String CONCEPT_ID$
		+Map~String, Object~ metadata
		+toJSON() Map
	class ConcreteConcept {
		+String CONCEPT_ID = "concrete-id"$
		+String someConceptProperty
	Concept <|-- ConcreteConcept
  • all classes modeling language concepts should inherit from abstract Concept class
  • CONCEPT_ID field of Concept class should be static and abstract
  • toJSON() should contain no processing logic and specifically exclude any values stored under metadata
    • as it usually returns all non-metadata basic fields per default, it can be provided as a default implementation by the Concept base class
    • the return value should be some object or collection that can easily be exported to a JSON file