:Dart:Class Node

represents a globally declared Dart class


fqnfully qualified name of the class (e.g. package:my_package/a.dart:MyClass)
libraryPathabsolute path of the containing library
namename of the class
base (boolean)indicates, if the class has a base modifier
interface (boolean)indicates, if the class has a interface modifier
final (boolean)indicates, if the class has a final modifier
sealed (boolean)indicates, if the class has a sealed modifier
abstract (boolean)indicates, if the class has a abstract modifier
mixin (boolean)indicates, if the class has a mixin modifier


NameTarget Label(s)CardinalityDescription
EXTENDS:Dart:Class0..1super class from which the class inherits via extends keyword
IMPLEMENTS:Dart:Class0..*class interfaces which are implemented via implements keyword
0..*mixins and mixin classes that are implemented using with keyword